Important Arrival and Dismissal Information
Arrival begins at 8:05 and continues through 8:20 am.
Students who arrive after 8:20 am will be marked tardy. Please be aware that teachers duty day starts at 8:05 am. Students need to be under the supervision of their parent or guardian until arrival begins and teachers are on duty.
Cars are not permitted in the bus loop from 7:50 am -8:20 am. Students may not be dropped off from a car in the bus loop at this time. This is a safety issue. Please park your vehicle on Walgrove Road and students may walk to the school using the crosswalks.
Dismissal begins at 3:05 pm.
Students will not be dismissed for early dismissal after 2:15 pm.
*All early dismissal pick-ups must be made before 2:15 pm.
In the case of a real emergency call the school and we will message the child for parent pick up at 2:55.